Talk to me, Abba

Linger with Me. Pour yourself out as a drink offering before Me. Make room in your being for what I want to give you. Space must be made. Clutter must be cleared away. I have better things to give you than the worthless things you cling to. Ask Me. Right now. Take a deep breath and ask Me the deep desires of your heart. Keep breathing. Don't get distracted. What do you yearn for? Ask Me what has cluttered up your life? Ask Me to remove it? I will gladly do things for you to reveal My glory to you. Let Me lift your head.

But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.
Psalm 3:3

For more on this segment, see this post.


Warren Baldwin said…
Amen. Will be doing some Bible reading (and drinking coffee) in a few minutes to unclutter my head! wb
Warren Baldwin said…
Amen. Will be doing some Bible reading (and drinking coffee) in a few minutes to unclutter my head! wb
Steve said…
Amen. That is good
Selah... So true and yet so easy to forget sometimes. Thanks for the reminder that He is there and wanting to pave the way for us to easily come and sit at His feet...

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