A Food Resolution

I have a goal and a prayer for 2011. My prayer is to have a workable kitchen and dining room. My goal is to try one new recipe a week. I love flair. I enjoy food. I desire for people to feel like they were prepared for and warmly received. Presentation is a passion of mine. All of that said, I want to cultivate this. I want to spend more time in farmer's markets and less time in grocery stores. It's a food revolution. I am on the prowl for new recipes and cookbooks. Did you know there is a magazine called "Foodie?" How fun. I want to explore the Mediterranean diet more this year. The Daniel Fast looks interesting as well. What shall we cook? Can you pray for my kitchen? I know this sounds silly. It's a shambles though. It needs to be fully gutted. Seeing as we have guests at our house every single day, we truly enjoy lavishing food on people. Come over. We want to serve you. ©stephaniecherry.com