
Showing posts from November, 2008

It Belongs To God

This Blog is updated each Tuesday. (This isn't the greatest picture of me, but I wanted to show off my new necklace Klorissa gave me. It's name is "Patina." I love it! It reminds me of something God allowed me to overcome and accomplish. I wear it and am thankful. I had a book published. Little 'ol me.) I am in recovery. (Aren't we all?) I went into labor a little over a week ago at only 15 weeks and we lost another baby. This is my fourth miscarriage. I don't think anyone wants to process this kind of thing out in the open, but I feel like it is what God wants me to do. As I was in the emergency room I kept hearing a phrase in my head repeatedly. "We lose our joy when we hold onto things that belong to God." My children belong to God. All of my children belong to God. Another thing I thought of is how people try to console those who miscarry with telling them that their children are in heaven. I know there is no promise of that in scripture. I

Water into Wine

I recently read a great book written several years ago by Kelly Minter. If you are looking for a beautiful, easy to read, reminder of what Christ does in our lives, I recommend this to you. One picture I have loved thinking about since is the fact that those servants poured water into a jar and went to serve it. How simple. How trusting. That water became wine on the way . I love how that is a beautiful picture of how we must trust and endeavor with Christ. He did not turn the water to wine and then pour it into the serving jars. It happened as the servants were obedient to a very simple call. Pour the water into the jar . Because of that simple obedience, many people took and drank the wine of Christ. Here are some nuggets that I loved from the book: "...even on my best days, I can't make wine." "Simply doing all the "right" things, in and of themselves, only leaves me with colored water. It looks authentic from the outside, but when others get close enoug

Tagged by Kyna

I was tagged by Kyna to post the 6th picture from the 6th folder and talk about it. Here it is: my mom. I think the picture speaks for itself. My mom always says, "the higher the hair, the closer to God." I tag Jen Baker and Jennifer Dancer. Go to  your 7th photo folder and tell about the 7th picture.

Love Regardless

He  has chosen and called you to this specific place with a specific agenda. You have been called out of the safe Christian diet to live and cultivate life in your personal Ninevah. Thrive there. Love regardless. Tend to the lost regardless. Press on regardless. Give no regard to the lies the enemy will throw at you. Persevere. Instead of seeing the obstacles, look for the opportunity in serving and giving your very life like that of Christ. Sacrifice and be blessed. Let go of entitlement and pursue God. Share Him among these people. Rise to the challenge. Teach your children to be missionaries among these people. This is an opportunity He has trustingly placed into your hands. Live out who you say He is.  I'll see you at the finish line. © Stephanie Cherry 2008

He Gives and Takes Away

A part of my heart walks around outside my body. Another part will soon be laid to rest in a grave with many tiny hearts that did not make it. "Naked I came from my mother's womb,         and naked I will depart.         The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;         may the name of the LORD be praised." Job 1:21 Glory Baby by Watermark Glory Baby, You slipped away As fast as we could say baby, baby You were growing, what happened Dear, You disappeared on us baby, baby Heaven will hold you before we do Heaven will keep you safe Until we're home with you Until we're home with you (chorus) We miss you everyday Miss you in every way But we know there's a day When we will hold you, we will hold you And you'll kiss our tears away When we're home to stay We can't wait for the day When we will see you, we will see you But baby let sweet Jesus hold you  ‘Til mom and dad can hold you You'll just have heaven before we do You'll just have heaven

A Student Becomes Like the Teacher

This Blog is updated each Tuesday. Denbigh in the spaceship at The Oasis Restaurant on Lake Travis. Following scenic views also from The Oasis. At one point Denbigh says to me,  "Sit down, Ansel Adams, and eat your food!" Luke 6:40 has brought conviction to me on many fronts. Recently, it became very convicting to me 'about me.' In a nutshell it says that a student becomes like their teacher. As I thought about that I thought about all of the people in my daughter's life that teach her just by exposure. I became deeply convicted to pray for friends and family because who they are mold who she is. Then the word hit home.    I am her most powerful teacher.  I am her most powerful teacher. Do I want her to be like me? Thus began my personal evaluation. Are there things I hang on to via pride and arrogance that I desperately do not want my daughter to assimilate into her character? What do I model to her that I never want to see her model? Am I showing her how to navi

A Little Something Happy

2 Timothy 4 "Preach the Word"   1  I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom:   2  preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.   3  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,   4  and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.   5  But you,  (you) be sober in all things,  (you) endure hardship,  (you) do the work of an evangelist,  (you) fulfill your   ministry .

Pray for America

I thought I would post Nancy Demoss' prayer for America today instead of my normal witty banter. Please spend some time praying for our nation this evening and tomorrow. May the eyes of the people be opened long enough to vote in accordance to God's will.  After this election hooplah, I shall post pictures of Laomai on her new bike in her super cool helmet. Stay tuned. How to Pray for America • Pray that God will turn people’s hearts toward Himself, and that He will be glorified in the outcome of the upcoming general election. • Pray that God’s people will demonstrate a spirit of repentance and prayer--individually and corporately. (2 Chron. 7:14) • Pray that God will raise up righteous leaders who will model integrity and authenticity. (Eph. 4:1-2; Prov. 14:34) • Pray that Americans will see their spiritual poverty; that our nation’s citizens will awaken to their great spiritual need. (Joel 3:12) • Pray that godly men and women will be placed in positions of authority so that