Love At Last Sight by Kerry Shook

Kerry and Chris Shook have written a challenging book about growing your closest relationships in thirty days. I almost didn't read it because I thought the title was cheesy, but decided to because I want to challenge myself in my relationships and be as open as possible with people. The book is quite challenging. I cried on the first day as I did an exercise that you are to journal about. It was quite difficult. It brings much light to all of the ways we avoid people and true intimate relationships. I wouldn't call this book a Bible study. It is simply a practical guide to doing life better with those you love. I think we could all use a little of that.

A side bar: In the end of the book he talks about breathing the old out and the new in and choosing to do things in God's power. I suggest that you seek repentance and ask the Holy Spirit of God to fill and enable you instead.

Great read.

This book was provided by Random House for review.


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