Public Restrooms
Happy Memorial Day! I have had many thoughts running through my brain this week. Shocker, I know. Two ideas keep popping up to me: How we issue kindness and how little we focus on God. I have noticed something in the people around me (myself included). We judge others according to our strengths. Let me illustrate with kindness: Let's say I am really good at being kind to my family and I judge you because you are not kind to your family... even though I am unkind to, say, poor people. Or I judge you because of how you raise your kids... only comparing that to the strengths I have in my child rearing. The fact of the matter is that we are all unkind. We are just unkind to different people like in-laws, extended family, people at church, people at work, etc. The point I am making is that we need to extend grace to one another as we wade through this adventure of Christianity. How do you extend grace and truth without condemning?You can share points and model them. Don't judge