
Showing posts from February, 2007

Everything Laudable

I have an Elijah complex. It could be a Moses complex or David or Jeremiah. I was reading a portion of Bible Study Fellowship notes this week that reminded me of that. I have never understood it. I was discussing it with my husband the other day. Why did these people with the gift of prophesy find themselves in despair shortly after every huge movement of God in their lives? How did Oswald Chambers deal with this after every sermon as he said he did? This complex led me to start a journal where I record every prayer answered and every movement of God I see. Today I was given a revelation. We are allowed to witness the glory of God by hearing, by sight, by fellowship and it is what we crave. That means to me that the moment we are not in that is not just a moment of calm. The moments of not hearing or less than the fullness we know are not just a lull in the conversation. They are tragic to us. They are filled with despair. He is all we want. We yearn for Him. We desperately reach out f


I keep pondering the idea that people induce labor for convenience. I have read over and over every verse where God Himself opened and closed the womb. Are we not trusting the One who opened the womb to open it again? Shy of a medical emergency I am confused as to how we have all been convinced this is normal. Will I bring a child to birth, and not let him be born?" says the Lord. "Will I, Who gives birth, stop it?" says your God. Isaiah 66:9

She Blooms

Have you ever received a pot of dirt as a gift? I have. It reminded me of the scene from Meet the Parents when Gaylord gives Jack Burns (supposed flower enthusiast) the bulb in the pot. So, from that we dubbed our bulb in the dirt the "Jerusala Tulipuzi." In reality, it is an Amaryllis. They bloom 5 days out of the year. It is fascinating to wait so long for a few moments of startling beauty. I would compare it to giving birth or watching someone you have discipled do something extraordinary and out of their character (as they assume Christ's). I would say that when God sends us people they are much like a pot of dirt. Only God knows the exquisite nature of what lies in the darkness. Terrible Beauty. I happened to look up the word terrible in the dictionary the other day. (I created this "terribly" interesting blog because I loved the idea that God is terrible.) One of the definitions said formidably great and another excites awe. I decided to use excites as

Baby Room


Love Jones

Today is Valentine's Day. It is the day of love. It happens to be one of my favorite days of the year. I say that because I am so in love and I love love. I love an excuse to give stuff to people. It is terribly fun. I have been seeing a consistent idea around me wherein people dumb things down to make them less than they are. First, I heard baby einstein "do" classical music and I wanted to throw up. I told Denbigh I think they butchered Schubert. People love it. They love double time music that has been slaughtered by a xylophone. Me, I love strings and wood winds. I love the passion and the fluidity of the original. Does anyone see where I am going with this? I love the original. We have so far dumbed down everything for the world coming up that they will not be able to recognize it in the generations to come. They prefer the dumb down version of everything (except themselves). Today, I wondered what it be like to love a lesser version of my husband had I settled for

Guest Blogger Ryan Green

Ryan wrote this paper about Denbigh for a class at Texas State. I thought I'd share. "Character of Lao-Tzu Music is a world of its own. Every state has to have population, territory, permanence, political organization, and sovereignty. A band is just the same. The population is the band members, which can either be ruled by a monarchy (the leader makes all the decisions) or a democracy (the members have a say). The territory is all the different places you play. While it may not be as physically permanent, when you play somewhere, that place is as good as home. Permanence is return business, but instead of the client returning to you, you return to the client. Political organization is the administrative side of a band, such as contracts, how much each member gets paid, etc. Sovereignty means that other "countries" recognize you as a country. In this scenario, it can be compared to critics of your music. If they say you are a band, you are in. Every band has a