A Day of Prayer

I have been home for almost a week. I have been reorganizing the upstairs to pursue excellence in homeschool and mapping out the projects I want to tackle around the house this fall. (If you come help me finish out the dining room, I'll cook you a steak.) 

Yesterday I was afforded a great luxury for a person with two small children. I loaded up in my friend Suzi's car and went to the day of prayer at the headquarters for Bible Study Fellowship International in San Antonio.  As we prayed for six hours, my heart was ripped out, smashed to bits and handed back to me completely unrecognizable. We listened to story after story of people giving their lives to get the Gospel to the nations. We ate lunch with a couple instrumental in getting thousands of Chinese the word of God. I am wrecked for these nations and missionaries. I will never be the same. This has changed and challenged my view on everything I do. May I never return to the mundane. What has your heart been wrecked for lately?


Letting Him heal me in deep places and agreeing to follow His call.

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