Talk to me, Abba.

You are beautiful. I have given you gifts beyond your dreams. I have lavished kindness on you. Lay your head in it in rest. I have spoken your future and it will come to pass regardless of the work of the enemy. My word is truth. My word is reality. I have shown you light and led you through darkness. I have given you eyes to see beyond the natural. Use them. I have enabled you to step out in courage. Keep going. Come to Me. Bring others. My body is performing circus acts and emotionally manipulating people. Bring them away from the pretense to be with Me. I want to be intimate with My beloved. I want to remove all the trappings that consume you and pour forth My Spirit all over you. I Am your Father. Tell Me your desires. Tell Me when you desire Me and I will come to you. 

To find out more about this weekly segment, please see this post.



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