Gomer: "My Dream Sink"

Dear friends, this is my dream sink. I am completely enamored with it. I want to buy it and remodel the kitchen around it. I am in love. I have this thing for copper. It's 859 dollars. That's way out of my budget for remodel, but that's because there really isn't a budget. We just pray for things and God is gracious enough to answer us. If you saw my current sink or my current kitchen, you would pray for this sink as well. My kitchen is frightening (except for my lovely stove). We don't even have a floor anymore. All the cabinets need to be ripped out. It's a disaster area. Much like some of our lives, I would say. So, I am praying that all the lives that come here have their old ugly stuff ripped out and they find it replaced by the exquisite garment of praise. May that be physically manifest in my kitchen with my dream sink. Amen. 


Emily said…
I like the way you think - or should I say the way you pray.
Stephanie said…
oooooooooh. I, too, like that sink! Apron sinks are just the coolest...
Steph Cherry said…
Stephanie, let's go in halves on it. We can share! ;O)

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