My Bible Study

I have been blessed to attend Bible study with the female staff at 6:30 on Tuesday mornings. I took this picture of our view with my phone. I know I need to get down there with my camera and really get a good picture. You can see how amazing it is to look at this and study God's word. The grandeur is overwhelming. I am often moved to tears. Isn't it amazing to think that with all of this beauty, we are only in the womb of our spiritual experience. We are amazed at all of the stimulating things we see here, but He tells us, like a baby in the womb, we cannot imagine what God has for us. Keep praying for the staff here and for us. More than 800 kids have come into a saving relationship with Jesus here this summer. Pray for endurance, grace, and the filling of the Holy Spirit for all of us. Thank you. May God's grace abound in your life.


Info Pak said…
hey nice blog how r u all plaese follow my blog and want to link exchange i will wnt to all my sweet blogger friends visit
I will pray.
Rachelle said…
Hi,,I received Denbeigh's album the other day...I am really enjoying it :) I think my favorite track is track 3, but there are several others I like, as well. I liked the personal touch to my order package. That was very nice and thoughtful...

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