Trusting God for Everything by Jan Johnson

This seven session retreat guide takes you through the inner workings of Psalm 23. You repeat portions of the passage in each session gaining an insightful familiarity with it. Using the practice of lectio divinia, you walk through each line of the psalm with restful prayer. Meditating on each portion of the scripture is truly powerful.

I love this form of meditating on the word. It gives an intimacy with the word that cannot be accomplished by simply reading the passage. By the time you have read the passage prayerfully multiple times, you know it. Walking through a passage of Scripture in this manner seems to bring it to mind constantly. You will find yourself constantly recalling the passage and hearing God speak to you in it throughout the day. I feel like I have a deep heart tie to this psalm now. I have heard it a million times and God has spoken to me in it, but I feel a deep connection with this word that was not there before.
It is a simple and easy to use book and a great learning tool.

This book was graciously provided by NavPress Publishers for review.


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