As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur

"Life’s disappointments can send you on a dangerous downward spiral into discouragement, depression, or even despair.  But in this eye-opening book, Kay Arthur guides you to biblical truths that will help you break that cycle and instead embrace disappointment as the cleansing fire God uses to make you—as silver refined—a reflection of His goodness."

There is something to be said for Kay Arthur. She is all about Jesus. I don't ever feel myself caught up in her personality or visionary agenda. As I read her books, I am always amazed by her depth and clarity. Kay speaks truth and lets truth do it's work. Honestly, sometimes I just wanted to lay my head on the pages because I loved hearing what Christ had to say to us reiterated so effectively. It was a gift to hear the words of Jesus over and over. There is no glossy sugar coating. God uses pain and disappointment to mold us to be like Christ. We should stop medicating and running from it. When we do, we are really running from Christ. This book made me yearn for more of Christ in a way few things do. I also came away with a glorious nugget of wisdom to live by. "The meek act rather than react." I am left praying for humility and the ability to not be controlled by emotions, but to act as Christ instead of reacting to others. This has been my favorite read of the year thus far.

This book has been graciously provided by Waterbrook Multnomah for review.


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