
Showing posts from December, 2010

A Food Resolution

I have a goal and a prayer for 2011. My prayer is to have a workable kitchen and dining room. My goal is to try one new recipe a week. I love flair. I enjoy food. I desire for people to feel like they were prepared for and warmly received. Presentation is a passion of mine. All of that said, I want to cultivate this. I want to spend more time in farmer's markets and less time in grocery stores. It's a food revolution. I am on the prowl for new recipes and cookbooks. Did you know there is a magazine called "Foodie?" How fun. I want to explore the Mediterranean diet more this year. The Daniel Fast looks interesting as well. What shall we cook? Can you pray for my kitchen? I know this sounds silly. It's a shambles though. It needs to be fully gutted. Seeing as we have guests at our house every single day, we truly enjoy lavishing food on people. Come over. We want to serve you.  ©

Gomer: A Good Foundation

Our 5,500 square foot is sitting on some cedar posts and cinder blocks. It boggles my mind that this gigantic three story home can stay up hovering in the air. It seems like it is held up by toothpicks. It's been doing that for nearly one hundred years. The house, is a bit un-level. We have to remedy this before we can go on to all of the satisfying cosmetic work. Our first estimate came in at fifteen thousand dollars. We just prayed. We don't have fifteen thousand dollars. God always answers prayers in ways you least expect it. We got a call from a friend who offered to assemble a crew and help us level the house and put it on new concrete footings. Can you believe that? All we have to come up with is materials and rental fees. This is by far the biggest thing that needs to happen to our home. To God be the glory. Would you be interested in helping us with this project? We need concrete, cinder blocks, and rental fees. One thousand dollars. You can give a tax-deductable donat

For Emily

I have been exceedingly emotional this Christmas season. I cried reading the new Drew Brees book! Perhaps I have kept all the pregnant hormones. The loss of my brothers is deeply painful to me when all of our family should be together. I am overwhelmed by gratefulness for my girls. We realized that if we had given birth for each child we were pregnant with, we would have seven children. People I love are deeply sick. I am learning to let go of something I cherished. One of my dearest friends has just had a baby at the same time as me. Then, her young, vibrant mother succumbed to disease and pneumonia. I cannot imagine her pain or what she must be going through. I loved her mom and enjoyed her immensely. She was beautiful and could make a mean taco. I was reading some Whittier the other day and I was moved by the goodness of God during our suffering. God gives us good gifts to richly enjoy. God gives us new family to love as a form of therapy. God's love is beautiful. This poem is f

Talk to me, Abba.

I have allowed things in your life to draw you toward Myself. Come to Me. Though things seem confusing, I am in the midst of all of this. I AM at work. The story of redemption does not always make sense to the finite mind. I work through tragedy. I work through love. Be thankful for the gifts that I have given you. No longer be robbed of life and joy by focussing on the thing you believe you lack. It's absence could very well be a gift.  Open it. For more on this segment, see this post. ©

If God Is Good by Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn delivers a brilliant exegis on sufferring and God's purpose in it. Comparing the world views of atheist, deists, theists, agnostics and more, he shows us that the only basis for morality comes from a Christian world view. If there is good and morality, there must be an origin. The reader is led to think about the big question: If God is good, why is there evil in the world? Most people ask why God would allow suffering if He was genuinely good and powerful. Many atheists claim that the existence of suffering is due to the fact that God does not exist. Using many powerful examples and scripture, Randy shows us how temporary pain can lead us to a better end. If your child were given a choice between a parent that disciplines and one that does not, the child will choose the lenient parent. We all know this is not for a child's greater good and maturity (even thought the child rebels against it). I was genuinely impressed with the author's remarkable ability to

Merry Christmas


Gomer: Rocking Around Fentress

  About seventy people showed up to sing about Jesus Christ in our little town on Tuesday night. Denbigh and I had baked 36 dozen cookies and put them in jars to give out to our neighbors. That was comically more than enough cookies to give one to everyone in our town. We baked cookies for the whole town! We sang to mobile homes and shut ins. We even headed down to Leisure Resort and sang to the people camping there. It was a really joyous time capped off with some hot chocolate. Praying that the name of Jesus was heard and people respond lovingly to Him. Thank you to everyone who made the trek out to carol with us and for the fabulous Fentressians (Fentressites?) who came out with us. God bless you. Merry Christmas! Make your year end tax deductible gift to Gomer's House. ©

Give the Gift of Presence.

One of the suggestions for Christmas gifts given by Advent Conspiracy was to give a gift card to eat or to coffee with the stipulation that they go on a date with you.  Give the gift of presence. Check out Advent Conspiracy .

Talk to me, Abba.

I delight in you. Release to Me the trappings of this season. Rest in Christ. Refuse to bear the weight and demands that this world seeks to place on you. Seek Me. Live. The greatest gift you can give to Me in this Christmas is to give love away. Love. For more on this segment, see this post . ©

NLT Contest

I wanted to fill you in on an exciting contest that is currently being run and sponsored by the New Living Translation.  We’re highlighting three ministries,  Wycliffe Bible Translators ,  Oasis International , and  The Dream Center , (click on the link to learn more details about these ministries) and by voting for one of these ministries you’ll be entered to win one of many prizes. To enter, visit the NLT Facebook page by  clicking here . There are several levels of prizes you can win, here are the details: With the Give the Word Bible Contest and Giveaway:     •  Ministries win:  Each time the  NLT Facebook  Page reaches a fan count milestone, votes will be tallied and the three ministries will receive cash donations from the New Living Translation and Tyndale House Publishers.     •  Everyone wins:  Everyone who enters on the Bible Contest website wins a free download of Matthew West reading the Christmas story.     •  Daily NLT Study Bible winners:  Vote on the NLT Facebook

Brain Overload: If God Is Good

I just closed this book. It has proved to be 495 pages of exquisite biblical exegesis on suffering. My brain is swimming through all that this book has brought up for me to meditate on. I am not even sure what all I am going to include in my review (coming in the next few days). I underlined and dogeared a fourth of the book. Randy Alcorn can certainly put things of great depth into simple language so that we can all understand. I think America should sit down and peruse this book. I would hardly ever see anything wrong with asking for deliverance from a situation. What I know personally, a tenet magnified in this book, is that sometimes pain is our deliverance. God can glorify and reveal Himself in the midst of our suffering in ways that He cannot at any other time. Randy, you can write. You can write alot. I am impressed. In all of the 495 pages, I never thought that the writing wasn't brilliant or necessary. Kudos. I can't wait to unpack this, go back over my notes, and writ

Boodies: What Are You Cooking?

I once asked, via my facebook status, "If people who loved food are called foodies, would people who love books and food be called boodies?" I, friends, am a boodie. I like to work and rework recipes until they are sumptuous.  I don't know about you, but I love P.F. Chang's and Mama Fu's Lettuce Wraps. I have made them at home and they come out good. It is hard to find that large lettuce at the local grocery store however. So, I thought I would try to make a lettuce wrap salad with homemade dressing. I am currently in the perfecting process of this adventure. The family all approved. I will post the recipe soon.  What are you cooking?  ©

Gomer: Baby Love

We continue to work away on the cosmetics of the Nursery. A glorious gift card came to us via relatives and we were able to buy this medallion and fan. Denbigh stripped, refinished and shaved down the door to the Conservatory from the nursery. Now, he has begun sanding down the antique four poster twin bed to go in the room. There is so much work that goes into each and every little thing. I am deeply thankful to God for giving to us and sending help. Our hope is to never try to get ahead of Him and try to orchestrate this restoration more quickly than He would have it go. God has taught us great patience and endurance. He has brought people here that never would have come if we had the ability to make it all happen on our own. Thank you, God. Thank you for bringing hearts and not just workers. Thank you for your timing. Thank you for your encouragement. We were able to collect donations to give away five Bibles to addicts and those beloved by God in our area. I am thankful to see hea

Death: The Last Enemy To Be Defeated

Death often appears like a cold, barren landscape. As I survey my life, I can say that death has been used in powerful ways to bring people closer to God than they could have been without the brokenness. We feel helpless against death. It has grabbed hold of the most arrogant parts of me and defeated them. It is powerful.  I have lost so many loved ones and God has used that to tender my heart to be like Christ. He has revealed His power and His glory to me over and over through my pain. God never wastes our pain. Only we do that. What I have failed to realize is how much of an enemy death is. 1 Corinthians 15:26 says that death is the last enemy to be defeated. It is the last enemy of God to be defeated. As I have come to realize how death sets itself up against the purpose of God, I have begun to pray that death will be robbed of it's victory when it comes. May all remuneration belong to God.  ©

Talk to me, Abba.

Trust Me. Every great story is darkest before the dawn. Look at the pages of the Bible. It often appeared that those chosen were in miserable failure and ruin right before I used them most powerfully. Draw close. Be steadfast in hope and faith. I am doing a new thing. I am changing hearts. I am answering you. Don't get distracted. I am doing something in your day that you could not believe unless I told you. I will provide. I will heal. I will restore. The Kingdom of Heaven comes to your house. For more about this segment, see this post. ©

Write Me a Children's Book

I read a lot of books and I generally enjoy most reading. I get something out of it. To me, a book is a little tiny piece of a person's testimony. There is, however, something I have found lacking as I have searched through modern books on prayer for children. Our books are teaching them to pray in order to receive something. This is not altogether wrong. If you need comfort, or healing, or food, ask God. The thing I have found missing is a simple book that teaches children to intimately talk with God and enjoy Him. Where are the books that teach how to quietly sit and listen for the echoes of the Holy Spirit?   When you are done writing that book, could you write one called, "You did not turn out fine." I'd love a rebuttal to everyone's programmed answer about participating in things that do not honor God or things we question our children's participation in.  That phrase, "We did it and we turned out just fine," is a lie. We are not fine. We are i

Merry Christmas- Here's a picture of me.

My husband thinks a Christmas card isn't a Christmas card unless it has a picture either in it or on it. He will act like he is going to toss out the cards without pictures and he will laugh to himself. Don't be offended, you photo-less people. He simply wants to see your face. He also has a tender affinity for making cards of our family for everyone. Nothing says, "Merry Christmas" quite like a photo of . . . you. I was excited to share with him, and with you, all the great deals at Shutterfly this Christmas. I have started making my card with pictures we took as a family and our starring roles in the nativity at Bethlehem to send to our family. Look out world, we will be releasing a fabulous Shutterfly photo Christmas card to the world in the next few weeks.   Design a Christmas card . Make a photo gift. Best yet, make your loved ones a calendar so they can celebrate 12 months of you. If you are a blogger, you can receive 50 free cards (register today). ©steph

Gomer: Baby, It's Cold Inside.

It's that time of year when I think I might like to go live with my mom. It's cold here, friends. We currently have one room insulated. It's warm in there. Nineteen more rooms to go. That's always my joke when we finish something. Well, all jokes aside, cold is my kryptonite. I am worthless. Last year, I was downstairs cooking and I had burned my hand. I didn't know it until later because it was so cold that my hands were numb. Then, during that particularly hard freeze we had in January, it was a frigid forty-four degrees in my bedroom. I stuck my phone out from under the blessed electric blanket to take a picture of the thermostat. I thought, "One day, this will be funny."  One day it will. I sat down with the Lord and was asking what He wanted from me for Christmas and He asked the same of me. I thought about it. I wondered if paying our house off or kitchen cabinets and a sink would fulfill my desire. Perhaps a thousand dollars of insulation and 10 gu

Hostility Toward the Blood

"Also the cow and the bear will graze,          Their young will lie down together,          And the   lion will eat straw like the ox.        The nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra,          And the weaned child will put his hand on the viper's den.        They will   not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain,          For the   earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD          As the waters cover the sea."   -Isaiah 11:7-9 A few weeks ago, we were studying this passage in Bible Study Fellowship. As I was thinking about it and traditional teaching on it, I had a Spirit illumined moment. I have always been taught that all of this would occur because the Prince of Peace was ruling. Hostility would cease. What I saw with clarity was a healing. Fallen creation is not simply hostile. Fallen creation is hostile against the blood. Christ has shed His blood to offer us life and redemption. Our vampire loving culture tries to falsely mimic they blood'

Talk to me, Abba.

Don't let suffering, financial stress, or grief distract you from Me. I want to show you the truth of who I am. I drew you out of a negative environment to reveal my beauty to you. Release everything in your past to Me. I want you to be the real thing. I want you to show an authentic representation of My Son to others. Trust Me. Let me mold your heart in the deep grief and pain. Release those left behind to My sovereignty. Pray for those who are hurting the saints and leading them astray. Pray for the saints to seek Me in truth. I love you. For more about this segment, see this post . ©

Becoming A Woman of Simplicity by Cynthia Heald

Best-selling Navigator author Cynthia Heald helps you discover a God-centered life in the midst of a chaotic world. "I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ." -2 Corinthians 11:3 Description:   In a culture that pulls women in multiple directions at once, is it possible to adjust priorities, reexamine your time management, and reduce your busyness in exchange for what is truly important--becoming like Jesus?  Written by Navigator author and Bible teacher Cynthia Heald,  Becoming a Woman of Simplicity  is a topical Bible study that delves into Scripture to offer practical, real-life counsel on rest and stress to women. • 11 lessons I have been going through this Bible study over the last few weeks. Every time I opened the pages, it was as rest immediately entered my spirit. Each pages engages you in Scripture. It isn't a lot of commentary. Cynthia has carefully