Helping Gomer

Honestly, I have no idea what I accomplished this week. I did create about 15 paintings. Other than that, I Just tried to make it through the week. On Sunday, my beloved three-year-old somehow got out of her floatie and jumped into a friend's pool. Thank God she was rescued. I broke my pinkie toe on a brick that night. By the next day I couldn't walk on it. Its much better now. I splinted it like a true professional with some Barbie bandaids. On Tuesday, Chayah asked to go swing on the porch swing that hangs in the big tree in our yard. There was a giant wasp nest hidden underneath it. They started attacking my head and legs. Wasp stings to the head are intense. My head is still swollen. My head hurt so badly for hours that I couldn't even feel the pain of the other stings. I jerked poor Chayah off that swing so fast that I scared her. Poor girl. A few minutes later she was choking on a piece of ice. I couldn't get into my doctor to see if my ear infection/ retracte...