The Bible in Pop Culture by Kevin Harvey

I love when publishing companies include random things with books they send out for review. #poprocks #thebibleinpopculture #kevinharvey A photo posted by Stephanie Cherry (@stephaniecherryartist) on Mar 27, 2015 at 9:54am P Sometimes publishing companies do fun things to get your attention when sending our books. This is the first time I have ever received Pop Rocks. I did what any self-respecting mom would do and I lined my girls up and had them open their mouths. We created a symphony of Pop Rock fizzing and giggles. Who knows what to think when you read a synopsis of a book comparing the Bible to pop culture. We are either going to get something really wacky or find something meaningful in the ordinary. I actually thought it was a pretty good. I am sure you could go through and wonder why he is watching some of these shows or movies, but I bet you could do that with any of us. I tried not to look down my nose at anything and just listen to what the man had to say...