Parenting By God's Promises by Joel Beeke

I kept being drawn to this book, but hadn't picked it up yet. When I was given the chance to review it, I jumped at it. I am glad that I did too. Now, let me tell you, the book starts off with the rather controversial topic of infant baptism and how we interpret the covenant of Abraham this side of the cross for our children. I had a parent in the Baptist church and one in the Lutheran one so I saw both sides of the coin. Really, I think the only real problem in this area are the churches that teach infant baptism saves you. Most churches do not teach this. The sacrament is faith in the covenant promises that God gave to Abraham. Each person must come to Christ in faith regardless of if they were baptized as an infant or dedicated. I thought Joel's exegesis on the subject was brilliant, researched, and well thought out. No matter your opinion on this, the rest of the book is worth your read. The rest of the book was honey to a weary parents soul. He not only tackled ...