Beloved: 365 Devotinals for Young Women

If you are looking for a good devotional to start the year for a girl in your life, I recommend Beloved . My girls and I have been going through it and it is truly inspirational. We also learned quite a bit about different women in the Bible. It is amazing what you can pick up and process in under 10 minutes a day. The book is affirming of how God created women in their beauty and helps us put the focus on what true value is. Dig in! BOOK REVIEW – ZONDERVAN BELOVED: 365 DEVOTIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN Book: Beloved: 365 Devotions for Young Women Author: Lindsay A. Franklin Publisher: Zondervan From Zondervan comes Beloved: 365 Devotions for Young Women : Relationships, inner beauty, and chasing your dreams are all topics on the top of a teen girl’s list. So give them great Biblical role models to admire as they grow and understand who they are. Beloved is a topical devotional that uses the inspiring stories of girls ...