Better Together by Rusty George

Better Together: Discover the Power of Community by Rusty George My rating: 4 of 5 stars As I read through Better Together, I thought that I should tell everyone longing for community and everyone in a community group to read it. It’s a cut above the cookie cutter idea of community. It’s a call to vulnerability and admitting we do need someone. The pages dive into the “we” of scripture and the Jewish culture. “I remember when WE crossed the Red Sea, when WE were fed by manna, when We heard that Jesus was the Messiah, when wE found out Jesus was alive...” It dismantles the western ideal of me and my experience. It reminds us to take joy in the success of others. “Our problem is not the monster, the clown, or even the haunted house. Our problem is that we have failed to lock arms, circle up, and walk bravely into the darkness.” This book is full of beauty and reminders of real men like CS Lewis and fictional men like Frodo who found healing in community and went on to heal...