A Treasury of Sherlock Holmes
I’m sitting in my church late at night because I’m sleeping here with my favorite homeless ministry, Family Promise. I brought along my classic to read for 2018. I am trading in La Mancha for Baker Street. As Don Quixote and Sancho Panza ride into the sunset, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson appear on the scene. I’m reading A Treasury of Sherlock Holmes compiled by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s son, Adrian Conan Doyle. I learned so much simply by reading the introduction. It is said that by reading one book a year that you are among the world’s most educated. What will you be reading in 2018? #drwatsonipresume #books #bookstagram #bookworm #drwatson #sherlockholmes #classicliterature #volunteer #familypromise #rocks A post shared by Stephanie Cherry (@heystephcherry) on Jan 2, 2018 at 9:24pm PST In January of this year, I picked a classic out of a set my dad bought us when I was a little girl. I had never read all of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Let me just say that I was capti