Gomer: Preaching

Between working on a top secret project and preparing for our preview service at the country church up the street, nothing has gotten done at our house this week. We've been plenty busy, but you can't see any of it. I am ready for the top secret project to be done so that we can unveil it to our viewing public. 

I really enjoy the website texasescapes.com. It tells you information about every town in Texas. I have taken my husband to some kooky towns to see some kooky stuff. You should try it. I even found a town for sale once. I digress. I thought you might like to read about our town. It's a thrill a minute. http://www.texasescapes.com/CentralTexasTownsSouth/Fentress-Texas.htm

Denbigh is preparing to preach his first sermon at a little country church up the street where we are feeling led to start a church. I'll let you all know how it goes. I am excited. My birthday is on Easter this year. That made me think it was a perfect time to start a church. After the last few years of hardship in church, I felt like this was God's love note to me. A story of personal resurrection. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!


Darlene said…
Oh man, I would so LOVE to be there!!! I will be thinking of you and Denbigh and praying for your family. My parents will be in town for almost a week. Maybe I will be able to make it out the Sunday after. What a wonderful thing for you and Denbigh to get started doing!Happy Birthday and Happy Ressurection day to you!! Hallelujah!
Cool. Did your house belong to Dr. Fentress?
Carla Jo said…
Will there be dancing now that it's legal?

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