A Deeper Kind of Calm by Linda Dillow

A Deeper Kind of Calm is a guide to remembering to remember. It takes a look at the Psalms to show us how Asaph remembered the former things the Lord had done when his heart was hurting to hope. There is much pain displayed in the Psalms and the beauty hidden in it is seeing the writers constantly meditating on the things God had done in the past and how He had done them. Remember.

I often wish I could bake a magical cake to fix problems for people, but I can't. The only thing I can do is remind them of what God has done and is doing unseen at the moment. Trials often provide us with the richest and most powerful growth. We simply must keep our minds stayed on Christ. He longs to speak to us in the desert place. I wished that there was more of this book. It ended too soon. There is a good Bible study at the end of the book as well.
This book was graciously provided by NavPress for review.


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