Gomer :Redefining the Remodel

A few weeks ago in my Bible Study Fellowship class, our teaching leader started talking about something that struck a particular chord with me. She began comparing those house restoration shows to the book of Isaiah. She stated how amazed she was at the people who were willing to get in there and do the grueling and long work to make these projects happen. "We all want to live in these houses, but few of us are willing to do the work." She even said, "A house without any drywall looks pretty bad." I stared at her for a second. I was wondering if she really said that or if I made it up. If she only knew, right?

Well, here we are. We are committed to preparing a place for you to come be alone with the Lord. In my Father's house there are many rooms. Currently, there are nineteen rooms to finish restoring. 
Come. Help. Us.
No matter, we will keep plugging along. It is a joy to serve God inside and outside these walls. Thank you, Abba. Thank you for the constant picture of Your restoring work. You take so much time and care to delicately remove some things and You take a sledgehammer to others. You are good. Though our walls were dark and dirty, You make them as white as snow.
Lest you forgot how ugly and depressing the room was, see below. Just one more wall. to go.
Denbigh, my husband, officiated his first wedding at the Chapel Dulcinea in Driftwood. This couple with three beautiful children entered into a sweet covenant with God. It's another story of God's goodness.
"Father, I thank You that You heard me." 
-John 11:41


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