Come Away With Me

One of our goals here at Gomer's House is to provide sweet respite away with Jesus. More than anything, we want to give those who come here a quiet time to pray and hear from God Himself. This led me to start wanting to facilitate prayer retreats and get people comfortable with prayer. It can seem so intimidating, daunting, and downright scary. The thing I know is that God can answer and mend in ways that no human or manufactured thing ever could. 

I often laugh when I tell people God sings to me. Now, I know He says He does in His word. In Zephaniah 3:17, it tells me that the Lord rejoices over me with singing, so it's not the fact that I hear Him singing that makes me laugh. It is what He is singing. I often hear God singing Norah Jones' Come Away With Me. The first time I heard it in my prayer time, I went and asked Denbigh if he thought God liked Norah Jones. 

A few weeks ago I got a flier in the mail about a guide to prayer retreats. The name. You guessed it. Come Away With Me. I asked the lovely people at Nav Press if they would send me a copy to review and use at a prayer retreat at Gomer's House. They graciously agreed. I read the book in two days and I was deeply sad when it ended. Simply reading it made me emotional with a longing to be with my Father. The book is phenomenal and near perfect. It gives so much great insight and clear directive as to how to go about having prayer retreats on your own and with others. I cannot recommend it enough. If you do nothing else for yourself this year than this, it would be all you need. If you are coming here for the retreat in June, I highly suggest that you get a copy and read it before you come. We are also going to keep a copy in the guest rooms for all who come looking for heavenly respite. Come away.

Come Away With  Me is a guide to prayer retreats by Pray! Magazine Editor Cynthia Bezek. She lays out for you all the whys and how tos of having a prayer retreat. Five Stars, Cynthia. Thank you for taking the time and prayer to put this tool together. Your service to the body of Christ is a gift.

This book was graciously provided by NavPress for review.

I recently bought the NavPress Scripture Memory App. I really enjoy it. The great part is that you can add in your own verses to their suggested ones. This let me add in all our homeschool verses and do away with the flashcards we were carrying around. It has several tools to help you memorize, like fill in the blanks.
Get it for you and your family.


maggie may said…
how great! i have a long list of things i want to read, but this sounds wonderful. i might just have to skip the other books and get right down to this.
i've been desiring more depth during my prayer time. can't wait to read it!
Tammy said…
I ordered this book. I can't wait to come home to find it in my mailbox! :o)
Steph Cherry said…
Margaret, you should come here for the retreat! You too, Tammy. The book gave great ideas of what to do with your prayer time. It was really just an encouraging reminder to get away with the Lord.

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