We're High Falootin'

Living in the constant chaos of a restoration is quite the emotional roller coaster for a woman who craves tidy and warm. I want to nest something fierce. I grow tired of not being able to just sit down among a finished room and enjoy the company of others. It really hit me at Christmas as I was sitting next to the fire in my dad's house. I miss normal. 

Through all of this, I have had my entitlement stripped from me. Each step has been so celebrated because Jesus did it all on His own. We didn't hire some contractor. We asked God and waited. He has personally paid for every single item in our kitchen. At Christmas, we were given some money and I thought that I would rush out and buy a dishwasher. I felt like the Lord was telling me to wait because He was going to pay for it. A few weeks later, I received a love offering for the amount we needed. Glory be. The good Lord had done it again. He paid for the cabinets and brought the cabinet maker. He bought the floor. He bought the ceiling and the sink. He bought the dishwasher. To me, He even did the dishes. He is to be celebrated.
Still, sometimes, it gets hard. I don't live in a third world country or go without running water. I just want a home. I want to place things and have the bright light of the sun bounce of my drywall. I would like insulation and central air downstairs. Is it all too much to ask? No. I have just found that the Holy Spirit is nesting here. He's bringing His own decorators. He is teaching me to appreciate the many graces I have in the waiting. Still, He sees my need to nest and to have the warmth here. So God has lent me some beautiful people.

God lent me Stephen, husband of Molly. He has done something magnificent for me. Let me give you a little background to it. As you may know, I have lost two of my brothers. When I met Stephen several years ago, he reminded me so much of my brother. Since, I have made him my honorary sibling. I have a huge heart for his whole family. Now, you can see why the gift he gave me was so precious. He made me the most beautiful of tables. It looks like some I yearned for in Anthropologie or Restoration Hardware. It was made specifically for our house though. It is the table I see when I think of people laughing and enjoying feasting together around a table. I have had this table in my head for years. There it is. It's in my dining room. It makes it feel like home. Thank you, Stephen. God uses you to heal my heart.

Jesus also sent me some coffee right when I ran out from my friend Jackie. I had the strongest sense that the Lord was trying to let me know He saw me.
He also put sub-floor in the butler pantry so that we can bring the fabulous cork on in to this room.
Look at that, ya'll. It's the first dishwasher I have owned in 5 years. My main desire was that the buttons be on the top instead of the front. My two year old is a button pushing machine.
There is our dear friend Andy who came just a few days after we got the washer because GOD is good. This man can put in and do anything. He also comes to our house every Groundhog day for our traditional feast.
Andy climbed into my cabinet to check the lines. He's 58 years old. He was able to get out without the jaws of life. I'm impressed.
There is my dear sweet pseudo sister-in-law Molly holding our third born. I love Molly. She is a gift to me.

Our first meal at the table. I love all the faces. It says, "Hey, we'll take in anybody."
Our first meal was homemade Black Bean Soup...on the Anthropologie dishes Molly got me the hookup on!
That, friends, is the Cadillac of garbage disposals. My dear husband might be having some sort of emotional attachment to this thing. He had been having to scrape out the food in the sink and throw it away. Now he is living the high life.
Yasha sustained an injury from the dishwasher box on her nose.
You can buy my black bean soup. I'll also give it to you if you come over. I sent this one to my dear, sweet friend, Synda!
Our first load of dishes, y'all. You go ahead, Jesus.
Look at that table top. It is made from salvaged maple flooring. People are going to sit around it and feel loved!
Just in case you forgot the hideous state of our kitchen and the three years we lived with it looking like this. I'm in awe. I love that dishwasher. It's funny how filling a hole in the room made it seem much more like a home and less like a project. I pray you all feel the sweetness of the Lord today. Love y'all.


Ryan said…
I love reading your journey. When God is stretching and pulling us into the person he desires us to be - sometimes it hurts, but we have to cling to his promises. I love how you've waited for God, even when you could've run out and bought what you desire. Your obedience is inspiring.
Unknown said…
This is so encouraging to read, Stephanie, (I'm going on 3 years with no dishwasher;). Enjoying getting to know you through your blog but would love to sit down over coffee some time!
Unknown said…
This is very encouraging for me to read, Stephanie. We are going on 3 years without a dishwasher and also without space to sit down and eat together a family. But God is good and it's been an incredible journey! Keep it up and I'd love to sit down over a cup of coffee sometime!
maggie may said…
it is amazing to see how, when given an opportunity, God meets your needs. i think i often try to meet my own needs and miss out on an opportunity to see God's faithfulness once again.
look at Him go!
Steph Cherry said…
Thank you for your sweet encouragements, dear friends. Blessings to you.

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