Gomer's Lineup

Hi friends of Gomer, life here is full. My three little blonde blessings take up much of my time and I don't always get to do all of the things I would like to do, like blog. Forgive me and let's go forward together.

We didn't get much done here in January, but we did what God set before us to do. I have been working in the bathroom a bit. You can see in the picture what the wall looked like before drywall, with drywall, will texture, and with bead board. I honestly do about five to ten minutes of work in here at a time. It's pretty hard for me to do the actual work without a two year old sneaking in the room and slathering her face and hair with drywall mud.

Let me tell you what though. God's grace abounds to us in February. Yes, it does every other month as well. This month, it abounds in volunteers! We have skilled people coming to work here about 15 days out of the month. I made a little wish list of things that would greatly benefit Gomer. Let's see what all gets done. Show off for us, Jesus.
This past weekend, I was invited to be the keynote speaker at a women's prayer rally in the Waco area. My husband actually led worship for the event. It was really special to get to do something together. The ladies took up a love offering and bought some of my art. We collected enough money to get Gomer a dish washer. What an amazing blessing. It was such an encouragement to be able to speak on prayer. The time spent preparing and with the ladies was truly a sweet gift to me. Then, God just had to go ahead and make sure we knew that He loved us with a beautiful gift. The gift of sterile dishes is one that keeps giving the whole year round. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. 

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