Talk to me, Abba.

Trust me to be your deliverer and to give life. I am the one who gives life. There is no need to worry bout the things that the world tells you will happen based on statistics. I am the one who controls every breath. Trust Me with this life. Be fully abandoned to My care. Lose yourself in My ability to sustain, My sovereignty, My grace.

"Sovereign LORD, you are God! Your covenant is trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant."
2 Samuel 7:28

This morning the doctor told me that she would like to deliver our little girl a few days early because my blood sugar had been out of whack (it's stable now). She told me that everything was right on track and we both looked healthy, but since I am high risk she wanted to do this as a precautionary measure to prevent stillbirth. As I was laying there for 30 minutes with the fetal monitor on, I was having a conversation with Jesus. In my mind, I thought that she would have issues from coming early. He reminded me of the fact that the first due date I was told was earlier and she was going to be right on time. The He reminded me of her name. Chayah means "the life given by God." Ultimately, I can clearly see that God Himself gives life when He chooses. I have trust His choices and ask Him for the desire of my heart. Today, I choose His sovereignty.

For more on this segment, see this post.


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