Bring Some Chicken Wings

Perhaps you saw my post on IG yesterday about being enamored with pronouns referring to the Lord. Ephesians 4:11 starts out saying "And He personally." Another version reads, "And Christ Himself..." Today in Children of the Day our verses start with "FOR THE LORD HIMSELF..." Beth actually goes on and on about the fabulousness of these words herself. I don't know about you, but that is like salve on an open wound to my heart. 

I have been thinking about this phrase in my IG picture. Do you feel like you always come against a setback before you are launched into something God is calling you to? Should we be looking as set backs as launching pads? Perhaps surrendering these things and asking the Lord to have His way in them.

We are wrapping up a week of house sitting in Huntsville (while still at camp). It's been nice to have a little space to sprawl out and heal. It would be a hard week to be in the lodge all of the time because  the gigantic church that is there brings in so much stuff that the place looks like a FBI command center. We are headed home tomorrow. Denbigh will lead worship at church on Sunday and head back to camp. I'll be home for the week entertaining a church group from Clifton. I'm a little nervous about seeing our yard since we haven't been home in almost a month. I'm looking forward to getting to work on a few things. Come visit. Bring some chicken wings. love y'all.


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