Your Mansion Needs Some Work.

Well, friends of Gomer, the fun never stops around here. Thursday night, I was just finishing up packing to go to Carolina Creek with Denbigh and the band for him to lead worship for mid-winter retreat. Then, I got a call that my stepmom had fallen. My dad thought she had a stroke and she also had a severe case of the flu. As soon as morning came and the sleet let up, I was on the road with my three girls. The hospital released her the next day and she is expected to make a full recovery. I am so thankful for that. I really didn't help much. I was simply available. I hope it speaks volumes.

I very often look around this house and see things that need worked on. I get frustrated when things are so out of sort because we are always in restoration mode. Then, I remind myself that life is a vapor. The only thing going forward from this life is locked inside of human beings. That is where the true work is and we must forsake all else to get to that work. Now, I'm not giving you permission to be a slob. I am just telling you to remember what God created you to love. It isn't 4 walls or even drywall for that matter. God made us to love people.

Denbigh went off to Carolina Creek and led worship with the band. I actually have no idea what happened beyond the fact that they led worship and there is almost a completely new staff there. I am just loading you up with titilating details, aren't I?

Today, I made a wish list of things that I would love to see happen here. If you are looking to donate or volunteer, let me know.

Volunteer Alert: Come paint this playscape or chainsaw that dead tree.

Support Gomer's House.


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