If You Yell, You Lose.

Around my house, we try to live by a principle to not yell at or get frustrated at our children. I did not come out of a household like this and it is very important for me to make sure my children feel safe and loved. I have always thought that yelling was a character flaw. It reveals a weakness and a desire to control someone else. I am not trying to control my children, I am trying to reveal Christ to them and pray that they embrace Him. Do I want them to behave well? Of course. I do not want them to grow up and be well-behaved people with black hearts. 

As I was reading a parenting book, I came to the realization that if your kids get you to yell in any situation, they have just won the battle. They have exercised power to get you to change your demeanor. That led me to a phrase I say every day. "If you yell, you lose." I want to be a winner, friends. I have even had to unfortunately repeat this to myself in dealing with some adults. 

We also pray the fruit of the Spirit quite a bit around here. Self-control is a powerful gift of the Spirit that enables us to do the very things we want to do in the first place. Love. Be joyful. Be peaceful. Be patient. Be kind. Be good. Be faithful. Be gentle. 
(See Galatians 5:22-23)
If you yell, you lose.


maggie may said…
girl, i think this is something God is really trying to drive home today. you are the second person i've heard this from.
i try to keep my cool, but the kids often get the better of me.

i'm going to be praying about this and hopefully gain some self-control.

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