Roaring Lions by Warren Baldwin

Warren's book was a nice break from mainstream Christian books. There was no formula for success. There was no grand vision or theory on how to do something. This book is full of good old fashioned wisdom that was given by God.

I truly enjoyed revisiting Proverbs in an easy paced, direct look. The stories to go with each Proverb were full of wisdom of their own. How often we stray from the simple truths of God to attempt to find complicated solutions. These solutions end up simply being a bandaid on an open wound. Proverbs invites us to remember that the lucid gems given to us can impact every area of our lives. Pursue righteousness, love your wife, and be kind. These words could transform our every day life.

This would be a great daily devotional book to do each day. A proverb a day. You could follow it with this Journible.
This book was provided by Warren Baldwin for review. Thank you, Warren.


Warren Baldwin said…
Thank you Stephanie! Very nice review!

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