Talk to me, Abba.

Even when life is hard and full of grief, Jesus has given us such a sweet gift in himself. Often when I am caught up in being overwhelmed by the life that swirls around me, I have to step back and remind myself of one thing. I have a good life and I serve a good God. The people we love are not perfect. The earth is not perfect. We have a great gift though, beloved. We can think on Christ. Instead of obsessing about our spouse, our in-laws, our another baby lost, we can think fondly on the tender love that Jesus Christ has for us. We can dwell wholeheartedly on the lengths that he has gone to in order to ensure our love relationship. We have a good thing and we have a good God. He speaks to us. 
He listens.

Thank God for all He has done for you. He has shown you the path to life.

"You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." -Psalm 16:11


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