The Furious Longing of God by Brennan Manning

Sometimes in ministry there is a lot of mud slung at you. I have even been told that I'm "the evil that needs to be eradicated." I have felt like Elijah who said, "they killed all of the other prophets and now they are trying to kill me." In those bleak moments, it is a gift to be reminded of the furious longing of God.

Like I said yesterday, Brennan Manning can write. As the days were heavy on me, I would whisper as he suggested, "I belong to you, Abba." It was instantly healing to be reminded that I belonged to my Father and He longed for me when others chose to ostracize me.

I prayed this scripture,
"I am my Beloved's, and His desire is for me."
-Song of Solomon 7:10

Brennan helped me to see the Song of Solomon in a new way. I became the desired object of the rhythmic literary work and I felt the longing of my Abba.
Read this book.

"Come then, My beloved, My lovely one, come. For see, winter is past, the rains are over and gone. Flowers are appearing on the earth. The season of glad songs has come. The cooing of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree is forming its first figs and the blossoming vines give out their fragrance. Come then, My beloved, My lovely one, come."

Song of Solomon 2:10-13

Thank you, Brennan Manning. The Holy Spirit used your book to weave the epic poetry of the Lord onto this human heart. The Spirit of God ministered to me beyond words as I turned each page. Thank you.



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