An Almost Male Model

We don't own a t.v. because we are a t.v. free respite, but a few weeks ago we were visiting my daddy and I saw a commercial for Victory motorcycles. It made me have a truly humorous flashback about my husband. Perhaps you know that he is known for his hair. Even though there are four females in the house, we refer to him as the diva. It's all in good fun. We desperately love the man.

A few years ago, I convinced him to send in his head shot to try to get some gigs doing catalogues and such. I told him to put that hair to work! Low and behold, Victory Motorcycles contacted him to do a shoot for a thousand dollars. He accepted it because the man thought he'd be sitting around looking good on a bike. He hadn't ridden in years. As the date approached, they contacted him and told him he would be doing a video shoot at high speeds through the winding backroads of the Hill Country. He panicked a bit. He thought he would break his arm right before he left to go play his guitar on summer tour. He called the shoot off.

Of course, I told him he was a beauty school drop out, but I supported his decision. On occasion, when he talks too much about his hair, I like to call him an almost male model. He was almost the face of Victory Motorcycles.  This concludes another segment of the chronicles of the Denbigh.


Jennifer said…
I love it! Oh to have glorious hair like Denbigh! ;) I know it's something Justin dreams about… poor guy has the "falling out" hair gene. Maybe one day Denbigh can grow out his hair and donate to Justin's future toupee. :-D
Jennifer said…
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