Gomer Loves Rain

It has been pouring here for the last week. For The Wild it has been pretty rough since their roads in to the new camp are not finished. For me, it's a true delight. I love the rain. It makes the heart reflect. Rain tends to allow the spirit to grieve or rest. It has added to the contemplative nature that has gripped my summer. I have been asking God what He would desire me to do for the next year. Obviously, caring for our newborn and our family. The one thing that I feel like I am supposed to do is be home. I would love to see our house finished and our gardens started. This is hard to do when there are three little kids running about, but it is our goal. Over the next year, I think our concentration will be on raising funds and getting volunteers. I want to work every day. I want to immerse myself in the neighborhood more and more. I am currently praying about what I need to give up in order to make this happen. I am contemplating giving up my year at my favorite Bible study and just doing it at home. This would be a huge sacrifice to me. Also, I am trying to get really organized so that my time is well spent. The list I am making is going to require a lot of self-control and a lot of sacrifice. May death to ourselves be life to those around us.

Please say a little prayer for us. Our heart is to be available and open to the people around us as well as pastors and others in need. This requires us to live on very little. Fundraising and selling our wares is very humbling. It is hard to ask others to support what we do. With that said, please mark your calendar for October 20th for our fish fry. Help us bring restoration to those around us. Help us restore Gomer's House and bring hope to the community.

Things are wild here and as we serve we grow weary and we are energized. Mostly, as we seek to love and encourage others, God graciously changes us to be more like Him.


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