Come Away, My Beloved

Come Away, My Beloved has long been one of my favorite books. I have read it countless times and even studied it with a dear friend. This year, I started going through the daily devotional with snippets from Frances Roberts works. I am enamored and encouraged. I can't recommend it enough.

Here is today's entry:
"'Yea, the darkness hideth not from Thee.'
-Psalm 139:12

Do not let your heart be discouraged. I am nearer you than in the past. I have brought you up to the place of constancy, and I will hold you firm regardless of what you are feeling.

You do not need always to see my face to know I am near. You may touch My face to know I am near. You may touch My hand by faith in moments when it is too dark to see anything. My Spirit is everywhere . . . even in the darkness."


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