Surprised by the Healer by Dillow & Slattery

I recently read a book entitled Surprised by the Healer that was sent to me. It is about God stepping into our broken stories and offering hope. The testimonies in the book are profound. Each one refutes the idea that there is anyone beyond healing and forgiveness. One of the women spoke about Mary and Martha as she faced some deep hurt she was going through. She stated that she realized that it was not what the women were doing that was of great concern, but what they were offering. One was offering Jesus worship and the other bitterness and focus on another. That realization helped her forgive and put God on the throne as Healer in her life. Jesus, heal our bitter hearts. I pray we are found worshipping. 💗💕 I highly recommend this book. The words are especially potent if you have endured any trauma or abuse in your life. 💗 Photographer—Vanessa Houk #vanessahouk #forgive #forgiveness #hope #beach #surf #grace #healing #pray #mom #mother #letitgo #beauty
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Perhaps you read my Post about Surprised by the Healer on The Gospel Mom last week. I wanted to share about it again in hopes that some of you who have been abused (or have been convinced by the enemy that your sexuality isn't a gift) would read it for yourselves. It's powerful.

Over the past few months I have been asked repeatedly to tell my write it out, to share it publicly, to video it and something happened during all of that. I started having flashbacks. It was all painful in a way I cannot describe to you. Sometimes I would wake up sobbing and short of breath. I could make a big spectacle about the enemy attacking me, but honestly I think if it wasn't this it would be something else. I just have to do the thing anyway. I can do all things through Christ.

As I read through these stories, I was deeply encouraged. Don't get me wrong, some of them were HARD to read. When we see the things people do to one another, it all begins to be a bit too much. I start to wonder if there truly is any good in the world. Then you hear one woman's story of rising from the ashes. Then another and another. I know only a very faithful God could resurrect this type of hurt. Only him.
Jesus in this book met me and poured precious balm on my heart. I decided to share what I could where I was asked to do so. It means that I had to and will continue to wade through some serious pain to get it out. One thing I am sure of is that the world is most broken and people need every act of love that you will give them. There is nothing so small that it cannot be a tool of Christ to tender a heart. 
Read it. Share it. May your story become less and less about you and more about others as you share it. May light shatter darkness in every area of your life. Be free.


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