Cherry Swag Wednesday

So, hey y'all. I already asked my husband what day it is four or five times today. It's Wednesday. In honor of this hump day, I will share some great things. First, I follow these funny people on the Instagram called talkingfood. They post pictures and then use the Over app to add words. I would like to share with you one of my favorites. Try not to sing it all day.
In the news of other cherry swag, Miss Rya came to visit us yesterday with her precious mama. Please see her repping the Cherry family with her onesie. Lulu actually came up with her name. 
The Children of the Day week Two...y'all!  Swoon.  It'll preach.  I was so encouraged by Paul's suffering. I know that sounds odd, but when I read the words "had suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi," it breathed life into me. Such treatment is common to the saints. The next line said that they were bold to declare the gospel anyway. When we encourage, share, or love, the enemy wants to come in swiftly and make us feel like a failure. He wants us to walk around with unchecked condemnation. Don't make decisions out of perceived defeat. Let me do some quoting of Beth for you.

" Did we do the will of God as best as we perceived it? Were we authentic before God and man?
If He didn't do something with it, did He do something with you?"

We speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. 
First Thessalonians Two Four

We all sit under the shade of a tree that someone else planted.


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