I Never Thought You'd Ask.

Perhaps you will recall a post I did a few weeks back about the most horrible kitchen around. This kitchen is also known as my kitchen. Remember when I made enough money from painting to get the copper dream sink? I made a little funny on my blog that day. I asked if anyone wanted to come build custom cabinets around it for me. Are you ready for what happened next? Someone contacted me. No really. Someone who builds cabinets. As you will know, we get a lot of empty promises and people saying they are going to help. This person, however, showed up. He measured the kitchen, the dining room, & the laundry room for custom cabinets. Can you believe it? It's a miracle. I largely have enough money to redo the kitchen (except for the appliances). Somebody, thank God with me. He is good. Do you remember me turning the kitchen over to Him and telling Him to do whatever He wanted. Kitchen remodels usually cost tens of thousands of dollars. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He shared some of His bounty with us. 

You want to help us with all of this? I never thought you'd ask. We can use your help. Come to our work day on the 18th of February. We have buckets of prep to do before these cabinets can go in. Come help. Sign up on our facebook page or just show up. Come help any day. We will let you work. Keep buying paintings so we can get new appliances. I am so thankful to Jesus for this thing He has done. I look forward to sharing with you about our cabinet maker in the future. Hold on tight.


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