Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the events swirling around you? Has circumstance robbed you of joy? Sally takes us through a testimonial of finding joy with her Father. Overcoming to do lists, she began prayerfully seeking out deep- rooted spiritual joy.
I did not know if I would like this book. I tend to stay away from things I think will be fluffy and without depth. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Sally Clarkson was a woman who had been walking with the Lord for some time. What she has written is no lite book. I felt as though I was being encouraged as I heard this woman's testimony of overcoming and finding joy. I was greatly encouraged in my own faith walk as I seek after God. I loved reading of how God spoke to her as a missionary and as a mom. Get your copy and be encouraged.
This book was provided by Waterbrook Press for review.
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