Kristi's Chemo
Last week, I was immensely blessed to accompany Kristi to her chemo appointment. I first have to say how impressed I was with MD Anderson. Every single person we came in contact with there was intensely friendly and kind. It was clean and bright. I was beyond impressed with the staff. I plan on writing them a comment on their website soon.
We left on Wednesday morning shortly after I packed my daughter up in my mom's car. Kristi was hankering for a Taco Bell bean burrito and so we indulged. Fire Sauce! Then we were off to the hospital. Our first stop was in the area to get her blood drawn and set up a payment plan for her treatment. It is amazing to see the bills for this kind of thing. After the blood draw, we waited to see the doctor. He told her he thought the PET scan she will receive at her next appointment should be good. This scan detects cancer in the body.
Thursday at nine a.m., we went to check into the bed unit to receive chemo. Kristi was quite nervous as she thought of the last three chemo treatment and the sickness that followed. We spent some time in prayer to help relax and ask God to prevent this sickness. We spent the next three hours with this chemical surging through her body. We talked, we laughed, we teared up. Afterward, we got some lunch and Kristi took her nausea medicine. She slept for about 20 hours straight. Kristi drove us home on Friday, hoping to stave off some car sickness. Praise God that this was her first treatment that she didn't get sick! A few days ago she shaved her head. It was amazing how long she kept her hair, but it was finally time to let it go.
I can't even tell you how amazing it was for me to get to go on this journey. It was humbling to see the extent of the sickness in this hospital. One person we saw in the waiting room had received a transplant and had been in the hospital since January. He looked about my age. I was so grateful for my life and health. When I wasn't chatting it up with Kristi, I was praying for every single person I saw. May God be glorified in each of them and their stories be used to draw them to Himself.

So, she was craving a bean burrito and wondering why I was taking her picture at the Taco Bell drive thru. :O)

Lymphoma area where she had her blood drawn and a doctor's visit on Wednesday.

In the Dr.'s office.

At her cousin's house in Houston. What a blessing to not have to stay in a hotel! It was lovely.

Beginning Chemo. The dub Chemo "the red devil." We changed it's name to the "blood of Christ." It's an orangey red.

Her napping. She's going to kill me!
love you guys.