Do You Smell Something Burning?

Photo from Saturday picnic at Driftwood Vineyard with
Cosmo and Suzi!
Perfect Temperature. Perfect Food. Perfect Company.

You can always tell that you are in the center of God's will for your life when you receive confirmation and attack. This week has held both of those things for us. I saw the cord of my Mac go up in flames (that's why I haven't answered your email) and my husband got attacked by a goose on his quiet time retreat to
  • Rustic Ridge Bed and Breakfast.

  • On the confirmation side our house has been a sanctuary to
  • Robert Barge
  • and
  • Cosmo
  • &
  • Suzi Raines.

  • On Saturday we went and partook in a picnic at Driftwood Vineyards. We felt such a peace there. Does anyone have any land that they would like to give us in that area?
    We will use it refresh the saints.

    My tough lesson of the week is leaving me a bit devastated. Twice I have been asked to pray along with others about certain situations. Each time I am the only one who hears a "no" from God. Each time, my no is disregarded. Each time it turns out badly. The situation has arisen again. This time, I was not even asked. Do they not want God's true word about the situation? Are these people truly praying and listening? If so, why don't they hear Him or are they being blatantly disobedient? This saddens my heart and I weep with God. How can we claim His work and refuse His Word?

    Emily, don't let your perception dictate your reality. Leave room for faith. God is at work in the undercurrent.

    Blessings on you
  • Professor (and Marianne)
  • for getting me a new cord. Frank Fahs works for Apple. I know you are thinking he is cool already. I also told him he looks like a mad scienist. He said I was not the first person to tell him that. Hmm. So, I call him the professor and his wife Marianne. Every time I have a date with Christine (aka Marianne) something crazy happens. The first time I went to eat at her house my oven caught fire as I was baking bread! My car broke down. I fall. When I needed to drop my cord off to get exchanged, I laughed and said,"Denbigh, you go do it."

    The racoon keeps visiting us. We named him Rocky.
    From Facing the Giants:


    Anonymous said…
    There is much faith here, sister. God is bringing me to prayer. I am being blessed.
    Sorry to hear about the MAC cord, but it makes me feel better to know you aren't ignoring me! :-)
    I love you guys and miss you.
    First things first...I want to visit this relaxing land that you were visiting. Second... you really do have good reception - I envy you. Thirdly... you crack me up! I love you!
    Christine said…
    Emily, the mac cord is coming! I shall be able to talk with you again. I have missed you my sweet sister! Marc isn't even a poor man's Emily. There is no substitute for you. Come home!! I need to see your face.


    You also make me laugh. They are having another picnic night on the first weekend of October. You can even take your kids. I love you too.

    I don't blame you for my husband getting electrocuted! Thanks for the cord and the cookies.
    Melissa said…
    Rocky! I love it!

    We should all invest in Web Cams....

    Mel said…

    I concur. I need to see your face and know if you look okay. Miss you!

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