The Love Dare

I have had this book sitting on the shelf in my studio for years. It was given to me as a gift. I honestly thought it would be full of cheesy anectdotal stories and so I never picked it up. I was prompted by the Holy Spirit this summer to work my way through the book for the forty days leading up to our wedding anniversary. My mind has been changed about it. I did the math and I realized that between my husband and my four parents there have been 17 marriages. I really had an awakening as to the miracle that we have been married for the amount of time we have. In our society, marriages fall apart every day. This has led me to truly celebrate the marriages around me. God has been good to us. May we celebrate Him in our covenants with one another.

I used the journaling space for each day to pray for my husband, our marriage, and myself and I chose to give it to him instead of a card for our anniversary. The book led you through all the attributes of love and I was genuinely and life-changingly convicted. Even though I feel like I have a strong, loving marriage, God pointed out several things to me that I needed to work on. The beauty of the whole thing was no thinking about what my husband needed to work on, but just basking in what God designed love to be and meditating on His word. I highly recommend it.


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