The Enemies of the Heart by Andy Stanley

 God has given me a desire to know two things this year. The first is who He is. The second is anything that gets in the way of me experiencing Him in fullness. After much time reflecting on the mind of Christ, God led me to this book. I honestly had a very hard time reading it. It convicted me so heavily that, I would feel nauseous and tearful. I can't tell you the last time that my sin was so blatant to me. I feel like I have been beat about the head with a bat, sucker punched in the gut, and brought to the absolute end of myself. Andy's questions were ones that made me realize that I had sinful areas in the recesses of my heart that God wanted to use for something else. I desperately want my flesh crucified. Aside from the intimacy with my Saviour, I have no greater yearning than to die to myself at this moment. I honestly think that it is going to take months or more to unpack what God revealed to me while reading this. I am undone, friends. I want you to be as well. Any time you might find yourself thinking that this is the perfect book for one of your friends, stop and ask God to show you how these things are manifest in you.


Rachelle said…
thanks. Loved the excerpt. I just ordered it! I could use it right now!
I will do this with you. God had already been leading me to do it. i was going to ask you what the feeling of nausea meant but then i remembered when I had felt this way when we first had come to Florida, it was conviction. oh dear, I thought, how bad is my sin still? Please pray for me and I will be praying for you sister. Love you.
Tonya said…
It does look like a very good book. The link for the first chapter was good. God has been speaking to me about heart issues. I noticed that fear is not one of the issues mentioned, but I am sure it is related to the ones he does address in the book. :)

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