World Famous Cherry Family Tacos

I have kept the decadence that is The Cherry Family Taco from you long enough. Prepare to be overwhelmed by yummy goodness.

The tacos would not be complete without the homemade shells.
I learned this little trick from my friend Emily's mom. A little bit of fried potato in your taco cooked in olive oil with salt and pepper is amazing. Cook them until they get a darker color and are soft.Use a medium heat.
If you don't like garlic, you won't like my tacos...or anything else I make for that matter. I put five to seven cloves of garlic into pretty much everything I make. Chop it fine and cook it golden brown.
Add a whole tomato that you have diced. Thanks for showing me this, Rebecca Weaver)Did you know that cooked tomatoes release more lycopene into the body than raw ones? Cook for 2 to three minutes.
Add in your ground turkey to brown.
Add a splash of jalapeno juice. The more the merrier.
Throw in a few slices of jalapeno for some extra flavor.
Put some olive oil, kosher salt, and a dash of pepper into another skillet. Set your oven to warm. Fold your flour tortilla in half. Place it in the oil and cook it until golden brown. Flip. Repeat. I add a little pinch of salt and pepper with each tortilla. Add oil as needed. Keep the tortillas in the oven as they are done to keep them warm and crispy.
Add iceberg lettuce, and sharp cheddar cheese. Prepare to have your palette overwhelmed. These tacos would seal the deal with a suitor and they are equal to a large dowry in many countries.


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