Gomer: Spring Break 2011

This past week, we had the privilege of hosting a crew from the University of Nebraska at our home. They drove here to work on Gomer. It was the sweetest experience. I just loved their hearts for the Lord. It was truly a blessing to get to know them. They accomplished much inside and out. So much paint was diligently taken off inside the foyer and on the front of the house that we got to start painting and staining. Pictures of that soon.
 Kim scraping paint at the right side of the front door. This is such hard work. She did an amazing job and you will see we got to paint what she scraped.
 This job is tedious beyond description. It is difficult to get all that paint out of every crevice. They got a huge bulk of paint off. Thank you, Shannon, Betsy, and Brittany.
 Isn't this a great quiet time spot? Come try it. We open our home to anyone in need of some time with Jesus.
 Yasha loved the girls.
 I think Chelsea is the sweetest thing. She drove here from Iowa by herself to work on our house.
 Guess who else loved the girls being here.
 We went on a picnic to hear the Spring Concert Series at the San Marcos Park for a break. 
 Synda, from Texas State, was bound and determined to get this door sanded down.
 Aaron sanding the house.

 Our neighbor Eddie popped over and helped paint.
 White. Joy. We haven't seen that in a while.
 I like white paint. My vision board worked. Come help us finish.
 I'll put this man's story on my blog next Thursday. It deserves it's own post.
 Brad drove up for the day Saturday to help us out. Isn't God good.
 This LunaMoth showed up at the end of front porch worship on Saturday. I read that they are rarely ever seen because their adult lifespan is only 7 days long. Thanks, Abba, for sharing your beauty with us.
And here are these sickos heat gunning some peeps. I was outraged, but then I thought it would make a pretty S'more. Come over, lets cook some Peeps. We are deeply thankful to God for bringing us these girls for a week. They were a delight.


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