You Rock My World, Jesus!

This Blog is updated each Tuesday.

My husband is tucking in our little girl after a long night. Denbigh is an amazing man. As I speak, teach, lead, organize, or whatever it is God tells me to do..there he is coming alongside. I laughed and told him tonight that he does more serving for women's ministry than most women do. Thank you, lovely husband.

Monday night the Holy Spirit fell on us at our first women's worship service, Shiloh. It was phenomenal. It seemed otherworldly at times. The voices were angelic. Angela delivered a powerful word to us. I believe with all my heart freedom came to us in that place. Marla, Janet, and Marj were anointed as they led worship. Thank You, Jesus, for Your presence. Thank You.

My word from God I keep hearing of late is Surrender. He has told me to let go of something and I am being pushed to the limit on this one. Relentlessly throughout the past few months God keeps showing me that when you let go of something that He will restore it like He did for Job (twice as much was returned to him). Cars, computers, & even can openers (Thanks Sharee!). This is the biggest thing yet. I am praying for wild obedience on this.
Let me be found faithful, Lord.

So, you are wondering what happened at "the Cup" this week. Well, I am sad to say I did not go. We were leading worship at Carolina Creek Christian Camp. I decided instead to share with you the first time I went to "the Cup." It all starts with Denbigh having a crick in his neck. He led worship that morning and then we were going to lunch with some friends. He was in quite a bit of pain and so our friend offered to give him a "mild muscle relaxer." My husband hardly takes Tylenol so you can imagine where this is going. We decide to go to "the cup" and check it out. We are all having somewhat normal conversations and Denbigh starts giggling uncontrollably. Then I get up to go get a cup of coffee and I look over from the line and there is my husband hanging off the chair he was sitting in and his head is resting in a Yucca tree. He passed out. It's been fun times ever since. Denbigh is also never allowed to take medication again. (Side note: Denbigh asked if it would make him tired and was assured it would not. If you want to know who it is, come ask me.)

Random: Next Shiloh is December 4th. Someone I have been praying for a year to get pregnant is pregnant! Praise Jesus! Please Keep praying for Kyle Sherrill. I am adding the link to their blog in my links on the left.


Anonymous said…
Laomai is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing her pictures with all of us! : ) -tammy said…
thank you, Tammy. That is very kind of you.

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