Our Life in Film

Well, I am surviving at home. I am recouping after some mold exposure. I have heard that the essential oil Thieves is good for it. I will let you know. I have been wearing my mask and staining the floor. I am further along than this picture and in fact only have 8 boards left. I can't wait to show you this and have you all sleep over.
Here are my glasses. Perhaps you notice that there is no arm on the left side. They also collapse in the middle. I figure this will be a thing until my kids are grown or I get lasik. I made an appointment at the eye dr for Friday, but I may need to cancel it. My step mom has been waiting to hear from her doctor all week about her second kidney stone surgery and they just called her and told her that it is tomorrow. These people have had her on the verge of tears with their abrupt behavior. (Thank you to all of you medical personnel that are kind and considerate.) 
Ive been at home with no a/c downstairs and no ice maker. It's hot, y'all. I made it through two pregnancies here with no ice and no a/c downstairs, but I finally hit my limit. The good thing about being busy in the studio is that I am too busy to spend money so it just adds up in my account. The day my man came home from camp, I said, "let's go buy an ice box." Denbigh then spent 20 minutes teasing me about not knowing what an ice box is. Call it what you want, I bought one. I had great joy shopping and filling it with great organization. Come over. Let's have some ice.
Super girl stopped by to help the guys from Best Buy unload our new ice box. My girls are in hog heaven getting ice and water themselves. You'd think they had never seen ice before.
Our Lulu has been attending her third VBS of summer. This one is at the little church in the next town over. Our people we adopted into our family work there. They stopped over after to play games with the girls on the trampoline. 
Our first batch of ice, y'all. So, they tell you to throw it out in order to clean the line. The second batch was amazing though.
I painted this church (at top) for my dear friend, Amy. She framed it and hung it in her living room. Don't you love it?
Here is the latest item in my Etsy store. All proceeds benefit Gomer's House.


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