Coming Back Stronger by Drew Brees

Coming Back Stronger is the story of the life of Drew Brees. It is the story of New Orleans recovery after hurricane Katrina. It is the story of a Super Bowl win that brought restoration to a once defeated city.

Drew is the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints. We follow him on his journey to getting there. Through multiple supposed career-ending injuries, we see his journey to the climactic finish, the Super Bowl. His story is more than inspiring. I was often overwhelmed with emotion as he talked feeling discarded and the near year long rehabilitation he went through not once, but twice in his life. He said some remarkable things about the pain he endured. He made the decision the not let the negative control his emotions. There are some great exhortations that are dripping in biblical truth. He tells us that we must embrace pain in order for it to have the desired effect. Drew goes on to say that "the painful things we go through have a way of teaching us things we can't learn any other way."

As I began reading the book, I thought it read a bit like a book report. As it progresses, we see the depth and richness of the story develop. There was an amazing story of redemption told by both Drew Brees and the city of New Orleans. I was touched as he talked about his wife and his faith. More wisdom on being a godly husband is contained in one chapter of this book than in all of the marriage books I have read. Have integrity. Never disrespect your spouse. Serve God. Don't just talk about it. Drew Brees isn't running around shouting theology or quoting Bonhoeffer. He doesn't need to. His faith is on display. I highly recommend this book. Put on a pot of gumbo, turn on some jazz,  and settle in to this great read.

This book was provided for review by Tyndale.



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