Julie and Julia

Denbigh took me to see Julie and Julia yesterday on our sixth wedding anniversary. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Mostly, I must say, because it touted one of my life's mottos, "Butter!" This movie tells the two tories of two women who had no idea who they were or where they were going. Discouragement had come over and over. Through life, love, and, of course, butter, the overcame their circumstance to embrace passion. I highly recommend it. Perhaps you are looking for something more in your life and need a touch of inspiration. Check out this movie. There are a few curse words, Christian friends, but nothing vile or vulgar. Enjoy!


Tiffany B. said…
I didn't realize that we shared the same anniversary! Russell & I celebrated 12 years yesterday. Oh & I word of warning - I checked the book out "Julie & Julia" & it is definitely full of curse words. I can't wait to see the movie though! Happy Anniversary!
Steph Cherry said…
No way! Happy belated anniversary to you!

I read a large portion of the book in the store. I was definitely full of interesting expletives. The part of it that interested me was when she was talking about how Julia Child had contributed so much, but she still was not going to heaven. Interesting.
Anonymous said…
Ahhh im glad to know that the movie was good!! I will now go see it! :)

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