Kicking it with Beth Moore at Siesta Fiesta
This Blog is updated each Tuesday.

Over the weekend a few girlfriends and I spent what seemed to be an eternity trying to get to San Antonio to see Beth Moore at the Alamodome. We got lost 3 times . . . once in our hotel! Did you know there are two fourth floors at The Menger? We had some odd experiences there, but like the adventurers we are, we loved it. They say the place is haunted so we spread around as much Holy Ghost as we could.
Beth was phenomenal. I loved every minute of it. She spoke of our inheritance as Christians being God's presence, His people, and property. Mostly, what I took home was that had no reason to lack confidence in Christ Jesus and if anything is to be done, God will be the One to do it. During a season of total reliance on God as we are seeking to build Gomer's House, the Lord reminded me that He was at work. I just need to pick up the shovel when He says to start digging.
I loved the after time that she opened up to us fellow bloggers, Siesta Fiesta! My highlight of the weekend was a simple moment of prayer that happened on the way to the potty! I found it on the video at 50 seconds. Thank YOU, Lord God, for a moment to steal away with weep and worship. You bless me.
I just want to thank my close girlfriends for being relentlessly kind and loving the Lord. I love that you want to talk about Him all night and even after the conference at Taco Cabana. You can't stop talking about Him! I love it. You encourage me.
Take a moment to evaluate what you say to others with your attitude and actions.
Who are you telling them Christ is?
Who do you believe you are?
ps my daughter grew a foot in the two days I was gone!!!!